My Dog Won't Stop Barking

23 Okt 2011

I've owned two Siberian Huskies for about four years now and when they were just pups I had a constant problem with them making noise at all times of the day and night. I've had friends who've tried obedience classes but never had very much success, so I went online looking for ways to retrain a dog's barking patterns. If you are constantly saying my dog won't stop barking yourself, consider this method which I used to retrain my dogs barking habits.

I use a device called BarkOff which is battery powered and about the size of your cell phone. What this is is a device which uses a method called sound therapy to retrain your dog's barking habits.

Every time your dog barks, the device emits a high-frequency sound wave in response which is only audible and perceptible to dogs because of the pitch. Rather than hurting the dog like shock collars do or scaring it, the sound waves interrupt your dog's barking patterns because they are effectively commanding your dog's attention.

This causes your dog to immediately silence in the middle of barking and through repetition every time he tries to bark it will again be interrupted with this frequency. Over time, your dog begins to associate the sound with a time in which he should not be barking.

This is important because it means that you can retrain your dog's barking habits on a case-by-case or individual basis. This is important for dog owners who initially may have gotten her dogs for safety reasons to alert them and warn them in case of an emergency. You can ensure that your dog will remain as vocal as ever and times of troubles and emergencies but in situations where you don't want them making so much noise like when you have company over, you can turn on the device and after a few initial barks, your dog will eat quiet.

The device is so small and has an effective radius of over 30 feet so that you can take this device and train your dog wherever you take your dog. This is especially helpful I've found during walks or especially long car trips with the family. There's nothing worse than being stuck in the car with a noisy dog, let alone two, so BarkOff effectively and humanely retrains your dog's barking and keeps them quiet in situations in which you dictate it.

Tired of exclaiming " my dog won't stop barking "? Take a look at these videos of BarkOff working on real dogs just like yours at

Things to Consider When Buying a Yorkie Puppy

There are a lot of different people that are looking at purchasing a new pet for the home. Among many options there are Yorkie puppies for sale. This type of dog is one of the better options for people looking at a life long friend. This breed of dog has won awards in dog shows before, and can be trained to be one of the most noble and interesting dogs that you can purchase in these modern times. The training is the most crucial piece to your new puppy's life and times. When they grow up they have the tendency of either being very aggressive or quite delicate. Consider the following 3 things when you are moving ahead with purchasing a puppy for your family.

• Size - When you're looking at Yorkie puppies for sale, remember that these dogs don't get very large. This is important to understand because many families expect their dog to grow large and be a strong animal. That's not going to be this pet. The breed is known to be quite playful, and easily distracted by small birds or even large insects. Properly trained, these pets are quite lovely and good to have around the family.

• Guard Dog - You won't have this pet fighting off larger dogs or even intruders, but they will wake you up if the latter shows up. The bark of this lovable creature can range from normal to high pitched when excited. The high pitch noise can wake up even the deepest sleeper from their overall slumber. They can definitely scare an intruder, which is something worth noting.

• Training - For those that are interested in training, or aren't sure whether this breed will require professional help, it's important to weigh options before hand. These animals need aggressive training style and if the owner is not willing to be patient and have many lessons, they will not be trained easily.

Breeders often times look for thorough bred puppies as they can generate quite the income for those looking to sell dogs. If you've got a lot of love to give, and aren't really looking for a large breed, this is a great option. With a lot of exercise, and some great attention, a Yorkie will definitely be a worthwhile investment.

It's important to set aside some time when you initially get your pet, so that you're moving forward with relative ease. Especially when you're considering Yorkie puppies for sale, as it will ensure that you will have a properly trained puppy.

For those unfamiliar with how bright and lively these pets are, it's important to be ready. A young puppy will seem to have energy that doesn't run out very easily, but as they get older, they become docile and turn into lap dogs. They are quite entertaining, and affectionate with their owners and are often times good around friendly faces, children and more. You'll be fascinated by how lovely these dogs can be from their small youth age to their adult years and beyond.

Are you looking for more information yorkie mix? You can find more information about Yorkie puppies for sale by visiting our site.

Dock Dog: Tips for Preparing Your Dog for Dock Diving Events

Do you have a dog who loves to go bounding after the balls and toys you throw to him? Does your dog enjoy playing and swimming in the water? If so, you may have a potential dock dog on your hands and you won't believe how easy it is to get started. Here we will discuss the dock dog event in some detail, along with some training tips to get you started.

What is the Dock Dog Event?

The dock dog event is quickly becoming one of the more popular sports in the dog show circuit. In dock dog, dogs are "stayed" at the end of a long ramp (the dock) until they are released by their handlers. Going full speed, dogs race to the end of the dock and launch themselves into the water in pursuit of a floating toy. The dog that jumps the greatest distance without faulting is proclaimed the winner.

Unlike many dog events, the Dock Dog competition is open to any adult dog with no breed restrictions whatsoever. There are even classes of competition for smaller breeds and senior dogs. All that is required is a love of the water and the willingness to retrieve a toy.

Training for the Dock Dog Event

Dock dog preparation is not nearly as difficult or intricate as training for events such as obedience and agility, as there are fewer skills the dog must master. It is, however, a physically demanding sport and should only be undertaken by dogs in excellent physical health. Therefore it's important to consult your veterinarian before engaging in any dock dog training.

The first step in dock dog training is teaching the retrieve. Begin by practicing with your dog's favorite retrieving toy (one which can float) on dry land. Each time your dog successfully retrieves the toy, reward him with treats and praise. Continue with dry land training until your dog retrieves the object every time without encouragement.

Once the retrieve is mastered, it's now time to bring water into the equation. This is usually best accomplished by beginning with a very shallow body of water and by keeping the session very lively and upbeat. At first your dog may be timid, and that's to be expected, but you can help assure him, at least at first, by entering the water with him and splashing around. Remember to reward your dog each time he successfully retrieves the toy.

After your dog has become proficient in shallow water retrieval, you'll want to gradually increase the amount of water, culminating of course with a body of water in which swimming is necessary. This may be a bit of a challenge, but whatever you do, don't try to force or push your dog in the water. Instead, try luring him into the water by entering it yourself and holding the toy.

If the dog refuses to swim for the toy, revert back to a previous training session in shallower water until retrieval is successful. Give your dog plenty of praise and a treat for retrieving the toy as always. Remember it's always a good idea to end the training session on a positive note, even if the results were less successful than you had planned.

Once your dog has mastered the art of water retrieval, and is confident in swimming for his favorite toy, it's time to move on to dock training. The first step is to make sure your dog has mastered the "sit" and "stay" commands, as he will need to wait at the end of the dock before he is released. Practice these commands thoroughly until mastered before beginning any form of dock training.

When first starting out with dog dock training, be careful to start with smaller distances until your dog gets the hang of jumping from the platform. Reward your dog each time he successfully retrieves the toy, and gradually increase the distance with each training session.

Dock dog competitions are held at a variety of venues, including swimming pools and lakes, so it's very important that your dog is familiar with the type of setting in which he or she will be asked to perform. Dogs accustomed to training in swimming pools exclusively, for example, might not take well to jumping into a lake, so modify your training routines and locations to help make your dog feel more comfortable in every situation.

Dog dock competitions are a great way for dogs and their handlers to bond and are an excellent form of exercise, but if you plan to enter these competitions it's extremely important that you prepare your dog in advance. First, check with your vet to make sure your dog is healthy enough for training and then train gradually, working up to each new skill with plenty of praise and encouragement.

Hi I am Anne Law. Know the basics. Does your dog do a reliable Sit, Down and Stay? At my site, you can find out more about a proven dog obedience training system that will complement your dock dog training.

Small Dog Breeds for You and Your Little Ones

Small dogs are very endearing, interesting and are commonly popular among families who love taking care of dogs. Seeing them in dog shops may want to make you bring them home and take care of them, right? However, not all dogs are ideal for all types of families. There are families which have little children and one common misconception about small dogs and little children is that they will go together well. This is not the case for all small dogs. There are small dogs which are very delicate, have special needs and should be treated with extra special care. Little kids cannot grasp the idea of being responsible enough for the dog and giving them a small dog may be dangerous for both the child and the dog. Read along and find out which types of small dogs would be ideal for you and your family.

Pugs are one of the child-friendly dogs that you can get for your family, and your children will surely chasing them around your house or apartment. They are often black in color, and some come in silver. They have squished-up faces, black snouts, and short coat. This type of dog stays indoors, and grows up to no more than around 11 inches in height and around eight kilograms in weight. Pugs are very playful and love receiving plenty of attention. They don't bark much and bite, so you can always leave them around children without worrying that your dog might bite them.

Another type of dog that can stay with your children is dachshunds. These dogs are inquisitive, energetic, lively and animated, which are ideal for children since they usually love running after dogs. They can weigh from 11 pounds to 32 pounds, with three different kinds. There are short-haired ones, wired-haired, and long-haired. You can choose ones which are big enough to avoid being hurt by children when they play together. Dachshunds are easy to please and joyful.

Shih Tzus are also fun dogs for your children. They are gentle and loyal, which will make it easy for your children to get along with. However, this dog has a long coat which requires grooming on a regular basis. While this may be a good way to give your children a sense of responsibility, small children may not be able to do this without adult supervision.

You can also get a lot of other small dogs, but it is important to be reminded that you must first be equipped with important information regarding the dogs you will be picking, from what they need and their health.

For more information about popular dog breeds, please to go to: Small Dog Breeds

Kristle has a keen interest in dogs and also is a dog lover. Learn more about your favorite dog breeds along with a few training and care tips at All Dog Breeds

Fed Up With a Barking Dog? Stop the Barking With These Techniques

If you have or even live near a barking dog, stop living with it and start doing something about it. In this article I'm going to address three different ways to quiet a barking dog.

First, there's the classical route of taking a dog in for obedience classes. Your dog is taught by people who know how to get the responses of dogs that they want so that you can instill the kind of behavior that you want from your dog without having a do it yourself. Obviously the drawback to obedience classes is that they are both time-consuming as well as expensive.

Another method which is somewhat controversial amongst different people is using a shock collar to control dog barking. This is a different kind of form of behavioral training because every time your dog barks, something within the shock collar recognizes this and answers that barking with a quick and mostly harmless shock to the dog.

Over time, the dog learns to associate the shocking with barking so that eventually your dog is trained to stop barking altogether. Obviously this method works by inflicting physical pain to your pet, though exactly how much pain seems to differ depending on who you are talking to about it.

The most cost effective and humane way to get a barking dog to stop is to use a different kind of behavioral therapy, a device called Bark Off. This is a small device about the size of a cell phone which activates a high-pitched sound frequency in response to every time your dog barks.

Rather than shocking the dog, this high-frequency pitch which only dogs can hear commands your dog's attention and effectively and essentially interrupts your dog's barking. Over time, the dog associates barking or more specifically the sound emitted from BarkOff as a time in which he should not be barking.

I like BarkOff because you can train your dog on a case-by-case basis so that when you have friends over, you can turn on the device and be assured that your dog may bark a couple of times and after that he will keep quiet.

Conversely, in the middle of the night you likely want to keep this off unless your dog has a serious problem of barking at night for no good reason. By leaving it off at night, you are assured that your dog will remain as vigilant and more importantly loud as ever in case of actual danger or if you have someone like an intruder breaking into your home.

Tired of your barking dog? Stop the madness by trying Bark Off risk free; just take a look at videos of it working on real dogs just like yours at

Puppy House Training Secrets

22 Okt 2011

Bringing a new puppy home is a wonderful, joyful time. But amidst all the fun and games, there's important work to be done. I'm talking about house training, and unless you want to share your home with an animal that can't control her toilet habits, it's something you'll have to do.

Fortunately, with the proper training techniques, and lots of persistence, house training a puppy is not that difficult to do.

In fact, your dog's natural behavior will help you succeed. For starters, despite what some may think, dogs are clean animals, and given the choice will "make their toilet", away from where they live.

Secondly, dogs love to please us and will do whatever it takes to make us happy.

These two principles are the secret to successful house training regardless of what training method you choose.

Here are the most common puppy house training methods;

Supervision Method

Crate Training

Paper Training

Litter Box Method

Now the method you choose is up to you, but as someone who has trained many dogs, using all of these techniques, I've found crate training to be most effective. Crate training just plain works, because it draws strongly on the aspects of canine behavior I mentioned earlier.

Crate training takes full advantage of your puppy's natural behavior, and that has to be a better way than trying to force the dog to make her toilet in a specific area.

Not that the other methods don't work, they do, so choose whichever method you are comfortable with. What's more important is that you remain calm, positive and patient. Shouting and punishing the puppy will only make her afraid of you.

Remember that you are dealing with a baby. If a baby messes her diaper you wouldn't scream at her, swat her with a newspaper, or rub her nose in it, would you? The same applies here.

The puppy doesn't yet know that she has done something wrong. But persist with your training and she'll soon get the picture. Dogs are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

Want to see even faster results?

Then give credit where it's due.

Your puppy will do just about anything to gain your approval. Praise her when she does her "business" outside, or on the paper, and she'll be encouraged to do this again, and again.

And don't be stingy with the praise either. You need to make it very obvious that you are pleased with her behavior, so be enthusiastic, be effusive, be downright over the top!

Later, when you start obedience training, your puppy will already know that obedience equals praise, so in effect house training sets the scene for all your dog training efforts to come.

Visit for more dog training tips including puppy house training and dog obedience training.

Recommendations for Keeping Your Dogs Happy During Air Travel

Start preparing Your Doggie

Not less than 30 days prior to taking your dogs on planes.

Do you possess the right carrier for your dog? Make certain the carrier is sufficiently big for your dog and that it is airline-approved. Both soft-sided as well as hard-sided carriers can be purchased, but soft-sided are more suitable for carry-on which enables it to fit below seats better.

To lessen the stress on your dog, get them accustomed to the carrier simply by placing them within it for short stays in the beginning, then longer stays as your trip nears. Put anything recognizable to the dog in the carrier which has your scent on it.

Within Ten days of your journey

Plan a visit to the veterinarian inside of 10 days of your journey to make sure they are fit for the trip. Tell your vet of your travel plans so they are able tell you of any issues they've got. Ask a veterinarian to issue a wellness document for your dog. The health certificates ordinarily must be dated within Ten days of your departure. Carry the certificate on your person at all times as it may be expected at various situations.

Take your canine friend in for proper grooming. Is it a warm time of the year? If applicable, cut it's hair. Are it's toenails needing shaping?

The day of travel

Have everything packed and leave in plenty of time. Remember that it will take more time as compared to traveling on your own. Aside from small amounts of water, do not give food to your dog for a number of hours before the trip. If you're taking your dog on the plane, bring a portable water dish so that you can provide him/her small quantities of water throughout the trip.

Booking the Flight(s)

Reserve direct flights whenever you can. If you need to book a travel plan with a layover, make sure the layover is long enough for you to exit the secured area and go outside the airport and allow your dog have a brief walk (as well as relieve itself!) Some airports have places that make this a breeze, but others are more difficult. In any case, make sure to clean up after them. The longer layover is always a hassle, but your doggie will appreciate the chance to stretch its legs! Whenever booking, it's also a good idea to make an effort to reserve non-peak flights. They are almost always much less crowded - this means more space within the cabin and less stress on your pet.

If traveling during hotter or cooler months, choose flights and air carriers that will allow for the temperature extremes. Check air carrier guidelines for your airline's specifications. Note that snub-nosed dogs tend to be especially vulnerable to heat stroke and some airlines will not likely permit them on their flights during warmer months - or even at all.

Tony B Lumpkin III is an executive living in Austin, Texas. He has over 20 years of experience traveling with dogs on planes, in cars, and numerous hotels. He contributes to a popular website devoted to dog travel. For more valuable doggie travel tips, please visit the website =>

Shopping for Dog Houses - Considerations

So, you've decided it's time for your pet pooch to move out of the house and is in the process of looking at the possible options of dog houses to consider. Before you do, there are several key factors that you should be closely looking at first, in order to ensure that not only will you be getting the most out of the purchase but your dog as well.

Making the right choice will involve knowing the various types of dog houses that you can come across on the market, the budget that you have set aside, the size of your dog, the climate that you have and your preference in terms of style or design.

Some of the styles that you'll encounter will include; wooden, the classic snoopy house, plastic, luxury and others. Each one will be available in a variety of designs that range from the simple to some of the most elaborate. Size and the number of entrances can also vary depending on how many dogs are going to be living in them.

Wooden dog houses are the most common and can either be created from scratch with the help of DIY plans found online or purchased ready-made from various local or internet based animal supply shops. The roofing used will also differ. Some use asphalt shingles, while others utilize wood or metal. For walls, you can choose between plain or insulated. But it comes highly recommended that you get the latter, especially if your area undergoes the four seasons. This will keep your pets cozy and warm even during wintertime.

When buying, also consider raised dog houses as this will help keep the floor dry during rainy seasons and extend the life of the house as well. To prevent rain, snow and high winds from entering the house, you can go with rain shielded doors and windows. It's going to be a bit more expensive than ordinary windows and doors but will be worth the investment. Some of the newer models even have advanced heating and cooling system to provide your dog with the ultimate comfort regardless of weather conditions. If you're on a budget though, you might want to go with plastic houses instead as they're already waterproof.

Buying a dog house for the first time can be daunting. But knowing the types that you'll find on the market as well as the various factors to consider will simplify the process and will help you in making an informed decision later on.

Parvovirus In Dogs: What You Should Know

Canine Parvovirus (also known as Parvo, or CPV) is a deadly, highly contagious disease. CPV is currently the most common infectious canine disease in the US, and although there is a vaccine that protects against the virus, it does not offer full protection against all strains.

Dog owners should therefore arm themselves with knowledge about the disease, it's symptoms, how it is spread and most importantly, what to do if you think your dog may be infected.

CPV infects mainly puppies and younger dogs, as their immature immune systems make them an easy target. But that's not to say that adult dogs are not at risk. The disease is also more prevalent with certain breeds including, Labradors, Rottweilers and Dobermans.

Early symptoms of parvovirus infection include fever, lack of appetite, general lethargy, and a lack of interest in activities the dog usually enjoys. The dog may also start vomiting and develop chronic diarrhea which is usually yellow, with a particularly foul smell.

As the condition worsens the dog will become dehydrated and may go into shock. The virus may also infect the heart and cause heart failure. In fact, heart failure can occur years after the dog has had a parvovirus infection.

The most common form of the disease is enteritis. This attacks the digestive system, damaging the lining of the stomach and intestines and making it impossible for the body to process nutrients and fluids. The dog will develop chronic diarrhea with blood in the stool and will inevitably die, if not treated.

Even if the dog does survive, the likelihood is that he will be sickly and prone to infection throughout his life.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for CPV. Treatment is focused mainly on keeping the dog hydrated by delivering fluids intravenously. This may also be supplemented with a balanced electrolyte solution. Antibiotics may also be administered to ward off opportunistic bacterial infections.

If the dog has severe symptoms, an antiserum may also be administered, while corticosteroids are usually given to dogs that are in shock.

The parvovirus is extremely resilient. It is transmitted through the feces of an infected animal, and can live away from a host for up to six months.

It is impervious to most household and commercial disinfectants, although tests have shown that undiluted chlorine bleach can destroy it.

The best way to prevent parvo is to ensure that your puppy is vaccinated. The vaccine is not completely effective, but it dramatically increases a dog's resistance to the disease.

You should also be very wary of allowing your puppy to interact with dogs you are not familiar with. In fact, you should not allow your puppy off your property until he has had his full set of shots. Better to be safe than sorry. has more information on parvovirus in dogs, plus other health advice about dog diarrhea, dog vaccinations and more.

How To Decide On The Right Pet Food

Puppy chow, weight control dog foods and food for senior citizens are just a few of the choices that you face in the dog food aisle. Beyond that you can also choose between dry food, canned food and moist food that is served from a handy pouch. Prices can range from the very affordable to quite expensive and you can be left standing in the aisle, desperately trying to decide which one is right for your pooch. Here are some tips to help you find the best dog food for your puppy.

Your Dog's Health and Needs

Every dog is an individual and their needs will vary. What is perfect for one pet may prove too fattening for another, or it may not provide key nutrients that another dog is lacking in.The first step is to look carefully at your dog's health. Write down any health conditions that your dog is dealing with. These could include recurrent diarrhea, obesity, being underweight, problems with worms or fleas, low energy or a thinning coat.

Now make another list and write down all of your dog's health assets. A shiny coat, for example, is an asset. Clean teeth or breath that is decent are assets. Compare the two lists. If your dog has far more assets than problems then you have probably already found the ideal dog food.

However, if your dog is facing more problems than pride, then he or she may benefit from a change in diet. The next step in this case will be to have a meeting with your veterinarian. Take along the ingredients label form the dog food bag so you can discuss changes that may be necessary. A dull coat, for example, may require a diet that is higher in essential fatty acids.

What to Look for in Dog Food

When you are changing your pet's diet, look carefully at the ingredients. Here are some tips on what you are looking for and why.


Essential to satisfy their carnivorous appetite, the first ingredient should be some kind of fresh meat type followed by a meal. Meat meals, such as lamb meal or salmon meal, are perfectly acceptable. The label should name the type of meal, not just call it "meat meal". Think of it as feeding your children fresh chicken breasts compared to hot dogs.

Fats and Oils Necessary for skin, coat and brain development, the fats and oils need to be there. Look for specifically named fats like chicken fat, canola oil and the like.


These are great for energy. Look for whole grains like rice, oats, barley, potatoes, peas and sweet potatoes. Beware of foods where the grains are split and listed as the grain, grain flour or grain bran.

What to Avoid

Sometimes it's easier to start by learning what you don't want in the dog's food. Here is a short list of ingredients that you don't want to see on your dog's food label.

Corn gluten, soy meal or soybean meal should be avoided.

Mineral oil

Grain products, like flour, middlings or mill run

Unspecified sources of grains

Apple pomace, grape pomace or citrus pulp


BHA, BHT, TBHQ, sodium metabisulphite preservatives

Sugar, fructose, sucrose, glucose, ammoniated glycyrrhizin, corn syrup, propylene glycol

Any dyes

The final step is finding the right pet food will be the taste test at home. The ideal product will be healthy for your dog and enjoyable for her to eat. Start by purchasing small bags and keep track of what is tried and what the response is. With a little patience and some research, you will soon find a dog food that is perfect for your dog's needs.

Some pet foods can be very expensive and not contain the correct nutritional requirements for dogs

Yorkie Mix - 3 Things You Should Know

One of the cooler pets that you can own, especially when considering a dog, is the Yorkshire Terrier. This is especially highlighted when you get yourself a Yorkie mix. Originally bred in Yorkshire, England, this noble breed has become popular all over the world. When investing in getting a family pet, you'll find that this is a great choice for just about any lifestyle choice. When you're looking to purchase one of these great choices, make sure to look at 3 things you should know, to help the purchase run smoothly:

1. Size - The first thing you'll notice about the Yorkie mix breed is that they are relatively small. They are small but they don't seem to let that hold them back. They are often characterized as little engines of bravery, and they prove it each time they run into a dog they don't like. They'll bark, they'll fight, and they'll show aggression, even though they seem like they're pint sized. Even though they can have a rough temperament, it's important to realize that they can in fact be trained, but a rule of thumb is to remember that they can be quite excitable.

2. Outdoor Charm/Indoor Preference - These small pets love the outdoors, but only for exercise, brisk walks, and to play around. They don't seem to like to be left out there a lot to live. They prefer to be near their owners and indoors often. When you train them right, they won't have any accidents in the home, and they'll be readily available for moving forward with playtime. They enjoy the companionship that is offered by other dogs in their breed as well as hanging around inside. There are some exceptions that will have you looking into large shelters and bed sets, but more often then not, your Yorkie will enjoy a greater good indoors.

3. Life - Your new pet will live upwards of 16 years old. They are active until their final days, and often live longer than larger dogs. They usually don't have a lot of issues with health, outside of some concerns with their legs. Smaller dogs have a tendency to have a dislocation of the knee, and Yorkies often times have that sort of problem. Not all do, but there are some that will definitely showcase the signs.

The glory of having a Yorkie Mix is great. The above 3 things are just a few things to keep in mind when you're ready to go out and purchase your pet. You will love their loyalty, look, and playful demeanor. They are cuddly, and will protect their owner with loud barks, and will take on dogs larger than they are, even if they never truly realize how small they are. Grooming them can be somewhat difficult as their hair grows out quite long if left uncut. Allow your pet to have longer hair during the winter months, but be careful in the hotter months. Make sure that you train your pet, and assess your overall needs.

Are you looking for more information puppies for sale in ohio? You can find more information about bichon yorkie by visiting our site.

Using Reflective Dog Leads To Make You And Your Pet More Visible

21 Okt 2011

People who buy reflective dog lead items may do so to keep themselves safe. Taking a dog for a walk at night may be a necessity or a preference, however it can be hard for cars and drivers to see these late night walkers. When dog owners want to be seen and stay safe, they may buy reflectors so that everyone sees them and their pet.

Protective clothing works by glowing in the dark against any light. When a car drives by with their headlights on, the driver will be able to see the dog leash and the owner. Even the street lights can catch sight of the reflective type wear.

Reflective items and clothing can be bought in many different locations. It can be found in pet stores and pet food outlet stores. These items can also be spotted in department retail stores. Many products and companies are interested in the safety of pet owners and pets at night, and will ensure that there are some items available for this particular need.

A reflective leash may have a few different looks. It may feature a strip down the center where it is noticeable only at night when the lights are shining on it. Or it could feature several stripes and markings. A leash may also have its entire lead in a reflective material. The level of reflection may be based on the owner's taste.

Some people are particular in the kind of leash they buy and the color that it can be found in. Some pet owners want their leash to reflect the sex of the dog, with brighter pinks and purples for girls and blues and greens for boys. While there are pet owners who will pick any color and be happy with it, the color of the reflective leash may be an important factor in the buying process. Luckily, there are many colors in the neutral shades and bold shades available for customers to pick.

There are other articles of clothing that can be bought to support a reflective leash. Coats, sweaters and dog boots may be found with the stripes and reflective patterns. During the day, the stripes may be faded, and at night more obvious.

To go along with the leash on the dog, many people will also purchase coats that have stripes down the back or arms. These stripes can assist the leash by allowing a larger space to be lit up by cars and their lights. The more reflection that can be seen on an owner and a dog, the safer they will be.

Purchasing reflective dog lead ideas, can be an easy process. These items are available at most pet stores and department stores that carry pet products. The reflective stripes and patterns, may keep pets and their owners safe during walks at night. There are many reasons why people walk at night, perhaps they get home from work late or they may not have a backyard to let the dog out. Walking a pet at night could be a personal choice or need, whatever the reasons, people and dogs can stay safe with the right accessories.

Protect yourself with our Pet Safety Products From When you are walking your pet, you might be doing so during dark hours and a reflective dog lead can help you see where you are going. Learn more about our pet safety leashes at

Fish Oil For Dogs Information

The family pet has become a part of the American family and should be treated with the same care that you would treat your children or parents. Most dogs gain huge benefits from the fatty acids in fish oil. Most people wouldn't think of giving something like fish oil to a dog, but the studies have shown may problems with your dog can be mitigated by including these supplements in their diet.

Some ailments that fish oil can help dogs are:


Kidney disease


high cholesterol

Inflammatory issues

itching due to dermititis

Dull coat

Ear infections



These are just a few of the problems that may be benefited by including an Omega3 supplement in your dog's diet. You should always talk with your vet before starting any kind of supplement treatment plan for your pet. Your vet will have the correct dosage and make sure that any other medications will not interact with new supplements. It is possible that your dog may have adverse reactions such as stomach aches, lethargic behavior or loose stools.

Now days, there are specialty liquids for dogs that you can purchase to make the dosage and usage even easier. These almost always come in liquid form that you pour over your dogs food once a day. These liquid forms can be found most anywhere or you can order them from the web. You can also use a human form softgel by puncturing the capsule with a small pin and pouring the liquid out onto their food. This can be tiresome and difficult to get the full dosage onto the food. It is highly recommended that you invest in the liquid form of oil for your dog's health.

The dosage for dogs will vary with the weight of the animal and only a vet can tell you how much should be given to your animal. For large dogs, weighing more than 20, most vets will recommend about 20 mg of EPA per pound of body weight as a good starting point for your dog. It is important to remember that the labels can be confusing and you should make sure that you can get 20 mg out of a dose from any vendor.

Some people say that their dog is getting plenty of Omega3 fatty acids because their bag of food says that it contains essential fatty acids, omega acids, or fish oils. This is not the case because any fish oil product needs to be fresh to allow the body to make use of it. If the the oil is cooked, as in prepared dog food, then the oil becomes useless and a waste of time. Cooked or treated fatty acid is not only not helping your dog, it has the potential to be harmful if taken over a period of time.

If your dog is a part of your family and you value their health, you need to make sure they get their full dose of omega3 fatty acids every day. This will help insure that your dog lives a long and pain free life. Make sure you are providing everything your dog may need in their diet.

Eric Renrag is Crossfit trainer specializing in exercise, diet and supplements. He also owns an Andelusion named Utah that is like a third child. If you would like to read more about fish oil for dogs, check out Fish Oil Pills for Dogs.
If you are interested in learning more about Omega3 supplements, please visit Fish Oil Pills.

The Joy of Naming Your Dog

Anyone who tells you there are rules to pet naming is a kill-joy; there are no rules to follow though perhaps there are some points you may wish to keep in mind while you are listening for the name your pet would like to be called. There is a belief that all animals have a name and you need only pay attention to discover it, but not all of us are dog whisperers or even that patient. Some of us listen and some of us take matters into our own hands but either way, what you name your pet is personal and done to please yourself. After all, it is your pet and you will be the one calling its name out loud in front of God and everyone, so you are the one who has to like it and live with it.

Naming a child after someone else is a sign of respect and honor but it seems that naming a pet after someone is a mark of ill-regard. Quite a few people may give the sage of advice of never naming a pet after a person for fear of offending them, but this is not entirely accurate: sometimes you want to offend people. This can be a topic of controversy as dubbing a suave cat or dog 'Miles' after Miles Davis is hardly an insult. A labradoodle called Marley would be incredibly cute and a yapping Chihuahua named after your Ex is just plain fun. In any event, what you name your pet is what you will be calling it for a long time, so plan appropriately. If your Ex's name makes you sick to your stomach, it probably is not what you should be calling your sweet new collie.

Short and Sweet

It is also true that shorter names are snazzier and easier to fire off when necessary. Compare "Jimbo, come!" to "Nebuchadnezzar, heel!" While the latter has its charm, it can be as awkward to say in a pinch as it is to spell. However, if you want to name your itty bitty Pomeranian Nebuchadnezzar, you go right ahead. You could sleep at nights rest assured there are very few other dogs in the world with that name. Besides, you can always shorten the name to a cute and spunky nickname like Nezzie or Nebu. There are ways and there are ways but there are always ways. It applies to wardrobes and it applies to dog names.

If, however, you are bringing home a pup that will be mainly be little Sarah's dog, you might wish to consider a more age-appropriate moniker and one she will be able to say as well. You could use the nickname in that case, you could let seven year-old Sarah declare a title - and as adorable as Poopyhead is, it might shock the grandparents- or you can choose a name a bit easier to pronounce than Nabopolassar, like Monty. Work with the family if the dog is a family pet but completely indulge yourself if the dog is yours alone.

Pop Culture Inspiration

There are some names that crop up thanks to movies or cultural phenomena that might warrant a dog's name too. Thanks to the Canadian movie Strange Brew in the 1980s, a few dogs suffered the indignity of being called Hose Head. While it may draw some odd looks, the teenage boys who used the name were not self-conscious about it at all and even delighted in the raised brows of adults and the knowing grins of their peers. Nowadays an equivalent may be Edward, Jacob or Bella. Not as catchy as Hose Head but in the same spirit and to be honest your dog really will not care what it is named as long as you feed and love it.

In All Seriousness

One guideline you may actually wish to pay attention to is to avoid the name that sounds like a command. Comanche, while powerful and noble, may actually be misheard as "come, Anche" while Legos, which are indeed delightful building blocks of fun and a super cute puppy name, could be misconstrued as "let go" and the dog could hardly be faulted. "Let go, Legos" could even make the dog think you have a small, but undoubtedly adorable, stutter.

Inspiration comes from a slew of places such as events, States, movies, songs, months, religious beliefs, authors, a quirk in the dog's behavior, books, historical figures, and the list goes on. Some of the best names come from household materials, too. The pool on which to draw is limited only by imagination and perhaps appropriateness. Do give some consideration to others around you, just a little, but mostly have fun and choose a name that will make you smile, that warms your heart and that will always remind you of your special time with your special friend. No rules necessary.

Puppy City has been around for over 50 years, we pride ourselves in being the home for quality puppies for sale in Brooklyn, New York. We also have all of the supplies you will ever need, from dog food, to wee wee pads, to all the treats you will ever need in a lifetime. Visit us at

The Bichon Yorkie - A Great Friend

People swear by the companionship that is present with a terrier. The perky movement of a young puppy and the carefree attitude that they seem to have, is something that many other puppies can't really match. There have been a lot of great breeds to come across the world of breeding, and one of the nicer breeds to own and befriend is the "Bichon Yorkie."

When you're looking into purchasing a pet of this type, you have to consider a few major factors. Without taking time to understand what your overall needs are, you won't be able to move ahead. It's hard to decipher your needs when you're not sure what to do next. Make sure that you aren't overwhelmed, prepare mentally, research some information, and when you're ready to get your next pet, consider the following things to remember:

• Grooming - If you're serious about purchasing a Bichon Yorkie, make sure that you are well aware of how they need to be groomed. Sometimes their hair can get very long and look great. The summer months might require them to be groomed a little shorter than in the winter months. Grooming might seem like a rudimentary thing to consider, but it will help in the decision making process, which is why it's listed here first.

• Price - The price of a pure bred pet is going to be expensive. You might find some deals here and there, but most of the time you'll have to pay premium if you want a premium pet. If you're going to purchase a dog from a breeder, you have to have this in mind. Set aside a good-sized budget so that you're enjoying your new pet within one visit, rather than being told you can't afford it.

• Training - You need to make sure that you either set aside a lot of time for training your pet or hiring a professional. A professional will move forward with the training and help you get a well trained pet that is ready for your home and won't cause too many problems. Meanwhile, you could end up trying to train them on your own, and have a hard time. It's going to be difficult to manage your time when training your pet, but make sure you set aside some precious time so that you can bond with them if that's your goal.

The Bichon Yorkie is one of the more friendly breeds of pet, and they are smaller than the average puppy you're going to get. While they are a little bigger than the average toy breed, they are smaller than mid-size dog. When in doubt, don't rush into purchasing anything, make sure that you assess your needs, and make sure that you are getting the right choice for your family. The aforementioned is just the tip of the iceberg of hints that will help you move forward with getting a good overall family friend. If you have never purchased a pet before, remember to look into the options available to you outside of just the pound or the shelter for best results.

Are you looking for more information Yorkie puppies for sale? You can find more information about maltese yorkie mix by visiting our site.

Canine Urinary Incontinence

You have started to notice that Patty is 'leaking' on the carpets. Unsure what else to do and knowing she's up in years, you assume she is getting senile and suddenly she is spending more time outdoors while you debate whether she should be put down or not. Before you make any decisions you may later regret, take Patty to the vet for a check up; urinary incontinence is often one of the easiest problems to fix if properly diagnosed.

Incontinence Causes

Incontinence is not the same thing as submissive urination or lack of house breaking, so those need to be ruled out. There are quite a few possibilities as to the cause of urinary incontinence; in younger dogs it may be a birth defect to which certain breeds are more predisposed. These breeds can include:

• West Highland white terriers
• Miniature poodles
• Siberian huskies
• Collies
• Labrador retrievers
• Welsh Corgies
• wire-haired fox terriers

In these cases the culprit is usually a misdirected ureter, one that by-passes the bladder and is hooked straight to the vagina in females. With one of two passages useless, the puppy may drip urine but otherwise urinate normally. If both ureters are misconnected, then the young dog will not be able to urinate properly and still drip. This can be corrected surgically.

In older dogs, the test for urinary problems is fairly easy for your vet and will vary depending on the cause suspected. Quite often the reason is a UTI or urinary tract infection, similar to a bladder infection, especially common in female dogs, which are more likely to suffer from incontinence anyway. Simple urine analyses will reveal this culprit, which is often hallmarked by excessive water consumption, urinating frequently and in different areas, urinating only small amounts at a time, and bloody urine.

However, it's important to note that there may be no symptoms at all. Testing must be done to determine if it is a bladder infection or a UTI, what organism is causing it and then an attack of antibiotics will be prescribed. Always follow through on a course of antibiotics even if Patty no longer dribbles after a few days. Bladder infections are unusual in male dogs that have been neutered.

Weak bladder sphincter is another common cause of incontinence. Nearly one in five female dogs will be affected by this weakening in the sphincter muscle that seals off the bladder. It can be caused by simple old age, obesity, or any number of reasons and once it has been determined as the cause, it can be corrected with medications. Treatment solutions include replacing estrogen in females and testosterone in males, anticholinergics, which relax the muscle fibers of the bladder itself and better facilitate storage, alpha-adrenergic agonists, which are drugs that target the receptors of the bladder sphincter by increasing production of the neurotransmitter chemicals that tell the muscle to 'hold it', and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is used where other methods fail. It shows to have a good success rate.

Excessive water consumption can be a cause of dribbling, too. Sometimes this cause is the condition of something more serious like Type II dog diabetes or kidney failure. The sooner these are diagnosed, the better for Patty. Neither of these is something you want to ignore or put off hoping for improvement.

Other Solutions and Preventions

Where medicines fail, surgery may be an option as might be a collagen injection, which is the newest therapy available. This is the insertion of cosmetic-grade collagen directly into the urethra and seems to work best in conjunction with medications.

Remember that Patty has no control over incontinence and probably likes it no better than her humans do. Refrain from scolding her for leaking as it is in no way connected to her conscious will. Try taking her out for one more potty break immediately before bed and immediately when you wake up. If she uses a dog bed, try wrapping it in heavy plastic before slipping a sheet or case over it; something easy to wash each day is a good idea.

Also look into homeopathic remedies that may help ease the symptoms. Causticum, Gelsemium and Turnera are good ones to look into but have a vet diagnose the exact problem first and discuss adding an herbal remedy into the treatment program.

When it seems that no amount of medication, surgery or therapy will work or if you simply cannot afford those measures, there are always doggie diapers made for male and females with cute, sex-appropriate fabric designs and prints. These will keep Patty looking stylish and dribble-free all day.

Puppy City has been around for over 50 years, we pride ourselves in being the home for quality puppies for sale in Brooklyn, New York. We also have all of the supplies you will ever need, from dog food, to wee wee pads, to all the treats you will ever need in a lifetime. Visit us at

Training - Teaching Your Dog to Sit

So you have a new puppy or perhaps a dog that you have rescued who is now your new best friend... Now what?

Teaching your dog to sit is the first step to controlling his behaviour and should be the first command that is taught. Although sitting is completely natural for a dog to do, following the command to sit is not. Mastering this command will help you in your training of your dog.

First you must find a location that is quiet and without distractions. Teaching a dog is not unlike teaching a child. If there are many distractions around that the dog finds interesting, he will be less likely to pay attention to you. Remember to have patience with your dog. He's learning something for the first time. Take your time with him.

The verbal command is simply "sit". Most trainers will tell you not to use your dog's name with the command unless it is a command to move forward. I don't really know the reason for this, but from all reports I have it seems to work.

The dog should be positioned on your left hand side facing forward. Holding his leash in your right hand you should move your left hand gently down his back until you get to the point where his legs meet his back. You should then give the command "sit" and squeeze gently into the two indentations in front of your dog's hip bones. At the same time you should push down gently on his back with your left hand and lift the leash up slightly with your other. The dog should sit immediately. If he does not, try making the command longer..."siiiiitttt" while pushing down gently and pulling up on the leash. Do not jerk the leash or speak loudly to the dog. This will only serve to frighten him. Training will be more difficult. Remember to be kind and gentle and have patience as your dog learns.

Next, try it without using your left hand. Pull up on the leash gently and say "sit:" Continue this until your dog will sit without pulling up on the leash. Soon he will respond to the command "sit" without any urging or coaxing by you!

It is critical that you praise your dog for doing what you asked him to do. A nice pat on the head or a quick rub on the back along with a "good dog!" will go a long ways to helping him remember what he has done to get the praise. Some individuals choose to give their dog a treat after they execute a command correctly or do a trick, however this only tends to make your dog expect a treat after each time he correctly does something. It's good for an occasional way to praise them, but don't do it often enough to make them expect it every time.

Congratulations! You did it! You have started on the road to teaching your dog obedience and to follow your commands! Now you can continue his training using many of the same techniques described above. Remember, the two P's... have PATIENCE and always remember to PRAISE your dog when he completes the task you have asked him.

Chris Lauritzen is the co-owner The website offers advice, reviews of products and services for your dog, as well as a blog where dog lovers can share ideas, thoughts, and brag about their best friend.

Shropshire Is Open For Dogs

20 Okt 2011

Shropshire is a county of dog lovers and with 8 million dogs in the UK we reckon we've got our fair share.

In the beautiful county of Shropshire dogs are welcome in a whole array of places including pubs, eateries, boats, parks, museums, English heritage and national trust sites.

One of the most dog friendly places in Shropshire must be the World Heritage Site of Ironbridge.

Ironbridge has become a national treasure with a vast number of things to do for people visiting and those who live in the town.

With the world's first cast Iron Bridge built over the River Severn in 1779, the Gorge in 2011 celebrated its 25th year as a World Heritage Site, and the area plays a unique tribute to its amazing past.

There is a different walk for every day of the year and with many off road it is great for dogs who like to be off a lead. It is particularly good for small or large dogs as there are few awkward stiles and the paths are well maintained for both walkers and cyclists alike.

Apart from the historic Ironbridge - the first in the UK, Ironbridge is famous for its museums which include Museum of Iron, Engenuity, Tile Museum, Blists Hill. Blists Hill is a 2 mile Victorian village where dogs are allowed in the outside attractions.

Added to which is the longest river in the UK, the River Severn which runs for 120 miles - 10 miles longer than the River Thames.

Ironbridge is also spoiled for choice when it comes to public houses - a 5 mile walk can take in over 12 pubs and 2 breweries! When heading off on a dog walk you can rest assured that the majority of pubs in and around Ironbridge accept dogs inside and out including the ones listed below:

The Coalbrookdale Inn

The Golden Ball

The Robin Hood

The Shakespeare

The Black Swan

The Boat and The All Nations

Your visit should not be without a trip to Eleys the world famous pork pie shop where you can start The Pork Pie Run with your dog which is mainly off lead and with the added advantage of a pie at the top.

It is great to know that you walk your dog safe in the knowledge that you and your canine companion will be accepted on route and they will not be left outside in the cold.

Karen Lloyd together with Boomerang the dog has written a number of books of dog friendly walks which are available at

Locating Dog-Friendly Places To Stay

Dog owners have numerous choices today as more and more dog-friendly places to stay have become available.

Hotels and Hotels

Gone are the days when you and Your dog had to stay in a "flea bag" hotel. Many chain motels and even high-end hotels offer pet accommodations. The charges for dogs can differ as a single charge or nightly charge. Some hotels offering frequent customer memberships may even waive the charge for members. Do take into consideration, that even when the motel is pet-friendly, it doesn't suggest that your dog will be able to stay in the room with you. Some provide lavish kennel-like accommodations for your dog. Check when you make reservations at a new place.

For anyone hotels where your dog can remain with you, a few hotels provide pet beds, food and water dishes.

Another thing to consider is location. Does the motel have a pathway or perhaps park close by so that you can walk your dog? If not, inquire with the hotel where a good place would be. Also, what if you would like to head out for the evening and cannot leave the dogs within the room? Ask whether there is a pet-sitting service available? Otherwise, Fido might have to head out along with you and sit in the permitting.

Alternative Pet Lodgings

So many people are looking at options to hotels and motels and staying at privately-owned accommodations. There are several websites to visit and allow one to do a search for pet-friendly rentals only. This avoids the hassle of needing to check the dog guidelines of every individual property. The global websites list properties as well as condominiums. You work directly with the owner. As with any kind of lodging for you and your dog, the standard policies apply: No animals on furniture, tidy up after pets, etc. There is nearly always a cleaning and/or pet deposit required which may or may not be returned dependent upon the owner's conditions and terms. Some charge you a cleaning charge regardless of how neat you and your pet are. Besides providing the comfort of a "home" away from home, most owners supply a folder or binder with details about the lodging as well as community sight-seeing opportunities, dining places, unexpected emergency info and local contacts. Because this is someone's house, other comforts unavailable in a inn may be provided such as board games, DVD and blu-ray, bar-b-q, reading materials, and also a fully-equipped cooking area. To locate your pet-friendly house or condo, log onto one of the well-known websites and select your desired area. You can filter your search for those that are pet-friendly or they may indicate so by the paw print symbol. In the posting, the required charges and rules are often defined, but a quick e-mail or telephone call should answer any basic questions.

In summary, keep in mind for the dogs and you, it comes down to courteous, good actions. Clean up after your pet and try to have them on a leash whenever out of the room. Traveling with your dog really should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both parties and it's easier than ever to find dog friendly places to stay!

Tony B Lumpkin III is an avid adventure seeker living in Austin, Texas. He has over 20 years of experience traveling with dogs on planes, in cars, and numerous hotels. He contributes to a popular website devoted to dog travel. For more valuable doggie travel tips on traveling by plane, please visit =>

Directory of Breed of Dogs

For those who would want to take care of dogs, they must always remember that they should adjust their lifestyle with the new best friends and not expect their pet to adjust for them. There are a lot of things to be considered before picking out a canine companion. Before choosing one which you think would be ideal for you or your family, read along this article and find out information you need to know about dogs.

One thing to consider is the size. Dog breeds range from The very small to the very large. Put into consideration the people with whom your new pet would stay with at home. When you have little children, it may not be advisable to pick a very small dog because they might get hurt by children. Neither can you pick very large dogs which can hurt little children as well. Another thing to consider is grooming. There are canines which have shorter coats so your grooming does not really have to be extensive and expensive since even your children can do it. However, there are those which have long coats that need regular grooming and it can be very expensive. Larger dogs need more exercise than smaller ones since they have a greater tendency to become obese and exercise can prevent them from being vulnerable to bone diseases. Some dogs may also need proper training before being exposed to other people.

When you want family dogs which are children-friendly, you must choose average breeds which have been trained or are domestic ones. Avoid choosing toy dogs as they can be hurt by little children. Some of the ideal family pets are Basset Hounds, Boxers, Collies, English Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Greyhounds, Labrador Retrievers and standard Poodles.

Some families may be living in apartments or cramped up spaces, but still want to take care of dogs. They can go for small ones who do not really need large spaces to run around at. Examples of this type are Chihuahuas, Malteses, Pomeranians, Pugs, Pinschers, Shih Tzus, and some Terriers. Since they are small, they are ideal for living indoors.

Some children may be allergic to dog fur, so you must be careful in choosing dogs which do not shed or are hypoallergenic. This way, you and your children can still enjoy having a pet without having to worry about allergies in the future. Examples of this type are some Terriers, Malteses, Poodles, Shih Tzus and Basenjis.

For more information about popular dog breeds, please to go to: Terrier Dogs

Kristle has a keen interest in dogs and also is a dog lover. Learn more about your favorite dog breeds along with a few training and care tips at All Dog Breeds

Teaching Your Dog The Basics

As a reliable dog owner, you have to make sure that your canine is faithful, loyal and well-behaved. It is a proven fact that, dogs that are good to their owners are less like to get into controversies with people and other dogs and live happy-go-lucky and productive lives.

Another great reason to have an obedient and properly behaved pet is simple, some places will not let you live there unless you pet is well taught. There are scores of breeds that are perceived to have aggressive and have disobedient problems. Some of these canines include Doberman Pinschers, Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.

There are certain essential commands that must be mastered in order for a dog to be considered truly trained. These key commands include:
Your dog must listen to the word No, this is the one word that all canines have to learn. training your canine to respond to this important word can save you a lot of trouble.Training your pet to sit on command is a the next part of any pet training.Stay, is a very important commandment in your pet training program. An obedient pet should and will rest where the pets handler tells it to stay.Down, lie down when commanded is not just child,s play; It is a central part of any canine teaching program that proves to be successful..All animals should Heel. canines should walk behind their trainers not fall behind or pull their masters. They need to learn to do this on a loose lead.

Dog teaching does much more than just create an obedient, willing companion. Properly teaching your canine will strengthens the relationship that already exists between owner and pet. dogs are pack animals, and they look to their pack leader to tell them what to do.

They object to be successful is to make yourself the pack leader. Defining yourself as leader of the pack is a significant concept for any novice pet trainer to comprehend. There is only one leader in every pack of canines, and the handler must establish him or herself as the dominant canine. If you fail to do this, you will get all kinds of naughty behavior problems.

Training is a great way to fulfill some of the pet's necessary needs such as routine workouts, relaxation that comes with knowing what is exactly expected of him, and a sense of accomplishment as well as a great functional working relationship with his trainer.

Having a activity to do is very important to your dog. More than you might think. Hunting rabbits and squirrels to hunting lions and bears were all things that man originally bred canines to do. You would not believe how many pets that are out there have no important duty to do and this most often brings on unwanted behaviors because the dog is bored.

Fundamental teaching techniques and regular training sessions, give the canine a very important task to do. This is especially important for high energy breeds like German Shepherds and Border Collies. Want a great way for these high energy breeds to have a chore and enjoy themselves while they burn up extra energy. Have daily training sessions with them.

Why not make your training time into play time with your dog. You and him, nether one will be bored this way. Having fun and playing with you dog does strengthen that all important bond between you as leader and the animal as subordinate.

So, have heaps fun with each other for many years to come. you can expect lots of exciting and fun-filled years with each other.

Chris Shaefer enjoys his 4 dogs on the family farm in upstate, NY and has found over the years that proper care of your animals will make a happier, healthier life for everyone involved. If you found this informative and need some detailed instructions click here, Labrador Retriever training

Chris Shaefer
Dog owner and Friend
Train Golden Retriever Puppies

What Blood in Your Dog's Urine Means

Put simply, what blood in your dog's urine means is that something is wrong! After all when blood is noticed in your dog's urine it means there is internal bleeding occurring somewhere. There real challenge facing dog owners is what factor/factors are causing it to occur.

Seven of the most likely possibilities are: A bacterial infection somewhere in the urinary tract with the most likely being the bladder; an infected prostate; trauma due to injury; uterine infection; uroliths/stones; poisoning; some type of blood sucking insect bite with the most likely being a tick.

Regardless of what blood in your dog's urine means one thing is for sure a trip to the veterinarian is in order to isolate the cause and have the problem treated sooner rather than later. Next why don't we delve a little deeper into three possible causes.

*Bladder Stones: Bladder stones are made up primarily of minerals and are a result of small crystal clumping together over time. In extreme cases stones can grow to over 3 inches. Once firmly in place bladder stones can cause inflammation which can results in internal bleeding. Stones that are large enough, or positioned in the right place, can restrict or block urine flow leading to a serious medical concern that can become life threatening within a couple of days. The three types of stones seen in dogs are struvite, calcium oxalate, and uric acid. Diet, medication, and certain natural remedies can help dissolve struvite stones. On the other hand calcium oxalate stones may have to be removed surgically. Dogs which have the greatest incidence of bladder stones are Dalmatians, Dachshunds, Bulldogs, Miniature Schnauzers, and Shih Tzu.

*Internal trauma/Injury: When trying to determine what blood in your dog's urine means internal trauma or injury should be one of the first things pet parents consider. Internal injury is a fairly common occurrence and may be a sign that organ damage has occurred. There are endless possibilities as to the cause internal trauma/injury ranging from being hit by a car to an altercation with another animal. The only way to determine whether internal injury has occurred is with the help of x-ray technology. Other tests may be needed as well.

*Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Once bacterial has overwhelmed you dogs immune system and makes itself at home in the lining of the bladder bleeding can, and often does, occur. The amount of blood in the urine will generally increase as the infection worsens and spreads. The best way to treat these types of infections is with a two-week regimen of antibiotics in conjunction with an all natural homeopathic remedy to protect against recurring infection and promote urinary tract health.

In conclusion, we have covered a lot of ground and hopefully you have found the answers you were searching for but realistically when trying to determine what blood in your dog's urine means your veterinarian is going to be your most valuable resource.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.
To learn more about pet health along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic remedies for pet urinary tract health Click Here

Orijen Puppy Food Review - The Truth Behind Orijen

19 Okt 2011

Orijen Puppy Food

Dogs don't need any grains or cereals in their diet and if you look at dogs in the wild you will see that this is blatantly obvious! Unfortunately, grains are a big part of many dog food brands because they are cheaper than meat, but unfortunately they are responsible for causing many problems in dogs. So it's always advisable to steer well clear from any type of formulated food that has grain or cereal in it.

In this Orijen puppy food review, I will be taking a closer look at this intriguing product that has been labeled as "biologically perfect" for puppies. It contains no cereal or grains and is known for choosing only the best ingredients. If you want to know why this brand of puppy food is so popular amongst dog enthusiasts, keep on reading to find out why.

Orijen is a company based in Canada that prides itself on creating foods for dogs that are high in quality. They are healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Many premium brands of puppy food forget that dogs should be fed close to 100% meat. This means no grains or cereals. Some vegetables are a great addition to doggie diets but the foundation should be high quality meat.

When you start feeding your puppy Orijen, you may find yourself jealous at the amazing quality of the meat used in the formulations. Not only is it fresh and never frozen, but it has also been sustainable farmed. This is unheard of in 99% of puppy food! The fish meals are all wild caught and not farmed. In fact all the ingredients used in the Orijen food preparation is actually fit for human consumption. I told you that you would be jealous!

It's becomes clear after studying this company, that the geniuses behind Orijen puppy food are passionate about creating the best dog food available. All aspects during the making of the food are expertly handled and a real emphasis on quality underlies all their products.

Orijen Puppy Food Features

Huge Selection Of Ingredients - Your puppy will never be bored with a menu like this: chicken meal and boneless meat, boneless salmon, whole eggs, organic kelp, sweet potatoes, boneless turkey, herring meal, boneless walleye, apples, licorice root, blueberries, turnip greens, boneless whitefish, chicken liver, pumpkin, carrots, spinach and much more.

Different Formula For Dogs - Start your puppy off on the right foot (or paw) by selecting the Orijen puppy food formula, then as your dog grows into an adult dog, select an Orijen formula that is specific for adult dogs. Now your dog can be happy and healthy through all stages of its life.

Noticeable Health Results - Surprisingly, many users of Orijen report that they can notice big differences in the health of their dog or puppy once they switched to this brand. The first signs will likely be found in solid stools and a nice healthy coat. Clear eyes are another indicator and many users also see a remarkable increase in their puppy being happier. 

Orijen Puppy Food Review Conclusion

If you have been searching far and wide for the best premium puppy food, then you cannot look past Orijen. Using only the finest of ingredients and preparing meals that will have your puppy salivating before every meal, Orijen definitely deserves to be at the top of the ladder when it comes to both popularity and healthiness.

Click either link to find out more about the best puppy food possible for your four-legged friend. Or read more about Organic puppy foods.

Golden Retriever Training As Easy As 1-2-3

To stimulate your clever and energetic friend and to make sure they are not bored and irritate you, golden retriever training is your answer. It is not that difficult to train your dog, for Golden Retrievers are easier to train than other breeds. These dogs are very intelligent and smart. Make sure you channel their behaviour. Your dog will be trained to behave like a star and bad habits will be something of the past. We teach you what to do during your training, nobody wants to start without guidance.

Training your canine is almost like doing homework with your kids. Planning and structure must be part of the exercise and if not your canine may not get the message when the trick is explained or message given.

The following tools can help owners to train their pets:

Make sure you can facilitate your notes and create a routine. It will make your life much easier if your training is organized and well thought through. To have a happy trained dog they love an environment that is well structured and based on good foundations. Very quickly, you'll have a CCC (champion calibre dog).

Trust is gained from consistency:

Your dog loves your consistent training and attendance and during the Golden Retriever Training session it gives you the chance to bond with your pet. Do the training regularly to make sure he remembers the trick. Spoil him with a treat when he learns and remember a trick. Continue with positive rewards as the training continues. Don't be shy to verbally praise them for good behaviour, it will motivate them to remember the trick and continue doing it.

Introduction to other puppies:

You may often ask yourself the question where to start the introduction. Well the answer is very easy, the park of cause! Just as us humans they would love the open spaces and all the different exciting things available to see and do, and it includes other dog friends too! The relaxing atmosphere is a great place for you and man's best friend to bond. Let the freedom of the outdoors rub off on both of you and let him be chain free.

Love your dog IN the house:

This part of having a dog can make you or break you. One of the most crucial elements of any pet is to house train them so you can keep on loving them even if they are inside your home. You want a well-mannered dog and after a long day's work you don't want to come home to a messy smelly home. They should be trained to do everything outside and it is not that farfetched. To control accidents give them something to drink as soon as they have eaten something.

Take them for a walk after half an hour, make sure it is a relaxed atmosphere and when they are finished take them back inside. If you keep repeating this process patiently for a while, your dog will get the idea, eventually know where the toilet is, and you'll have no worries.

Persistence, Practice, Participate:

To get the best out of your dog while conducting training, it is absolutely essential to be patient. Dogs are not human and therefore we should be consistent in our training to ensure good results. Tricks can be learned through patient repeatance and a snack as reward is not to be forgotten! The more you are involved and participating with your canine more trust is gained. You will be greatly rewarded by your dog when he shows off all the skills and tricks that have been taught to him.

Dogs are partners for life and have proven themselves to be the best friends man can ask for. Golden Retriever Training lets you have the pleasure of not only having a friend but also one with good manners! With consistency and patience, mutual trust develops and there will be a champion Golden Retriever right with you in your home!

What Is the Best Tartar Remover for Dogs?

If you polled dog owners and asked them, "What is the best tartar remover for dogs," the vast majority would probably say a cleaning at the vets is best. They wouldn't even give it a moment's thought before answering. But is it really? Let's look at the pros and cons.


Your dog's teeth will be clean.


Your dog will have to be put under anesthesia. One out of every 233 dogs put under anesthesia dies. If you have your dog's teeth cleaned at the vet's, he'll probably be OK. But what if he isn't? Is your dog a senior citizen? Does he have some health issues, however minor? Anesthetic for him may not be such a good idea.

A cleaning at the vet's is not cheap. It will cost you several hundred dollars. If the vet thinks a tooth or two needs to be extracted, he won't ask your permission, he'll do it to save having to bring the dog back for another session. Those extractions will add to the cost. Often, after a cleaning, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. That adds to the cost. We all want the best for our pets, but let's face it, in these tough economic times, money is a factor.

What about brushing your dog's teeth? Is that the best tartar remover for dogs? Yes, you can brush your dog's teeth. But will your dog like it? Generally dogs are not particularly cooperative when someone sticks something in their mouth. In addition to the dog moving his head around, you are only able to brush the outside of the teeth, not the inside. At best, brushing just delays the buildup of plaque.

Is there a better alternative to teeth cleaning at the vet's for dog tartar removal or brushing? The answer is yes. Plaque Attack is such an alternative.

Plaque Attack for dogs is a spray that is applied to your dog's teeth twice a day. Its ingredients are all natural - nothing that is harmful to your dog. If your dog has a heavy plaque buildup, spray twice a day, concentrating the spray on the heaviest areas of tartar. Otherwise, spray once a day. You will notice your dog licking his lips, which helps spread the Plaque Attack over all his teeth. You should begin seeing positive results in about 2 weeks.

When you use Plaque Attack, your dog's teeth will be clean. You won't have to take him to the vet. There's no worry about him being harmed, and the cost is very reasonable. The one downside, if you consider it a downside, is that positive results will take a few weeks. All things considered, Plaque Attack is the best tarter remover for dogs.

Your dog can have excellent oral health without risk or prohibitive cost. Read a comprehensive review of Plaque Attack for dogs at The Dog Tartar Removal Source.

How To Effectively Prevent Arthritis in Dogs?

Watching your pet suffer great pain brought on by arthritis can be very heart wrenching for any pet owner. Each year, thousands upon thousands of dogs all over the country develop arthritis. Old and large dogs documented to suffer from this condition, and lot of pet owners believe that arthritis in dogs is something that cannot be prevented. Causes of arthritis in pets actually vary, but age is known to be a chief factor. However, this does not mean that this condition cannot be prevented.

As a matter of fact, there are a couple of things that pet owners can do in order to ensure that their dogs do not go through the suffering and excruciating pains that is associated with arthritis. Remember, unlike human beings, dogs cannot tell their owners exactly where it hurts. All pet owners need to do is ensure that they follow a couple of basic dog joint care practices in order to ensure that their beloved companion will not suffer from this awful condition.

Please know that joint care practices are not just recommended for matured dogs. As a matter of fact, there is a greater possibility that your pet will avoid being hit by arthritis if as a puppy it has been getting preventive care. Preventing arthritis in dogs will not cost you an arm or leg.

Here are three ways that you can prevent your dog from getting arthritis. First, give your dog natural and fresh food as much as you possibly can. You need to understand that diet is a vital factor when the issue of arthritis in dogs is being addressed. The right nutrients are required for healthy development and growth in a dog's bones and joints. Unfortunately, a lot of commercial dog foods do not contain necessary nutrients. This is why it is important that dogs are fed with foods that are fresh and natural whenever possible. This way, you are sure that your dog is getting the right nutrients and totally avoiding the preservatives and chemicals found in commercial dog food.

Overweight is also a well known factor in developing arthritis in dogs. Maintaining a healthy weight for your furry friend is highly recommended. You can do this by ensuring it eats healthy and gets lots of exercises. Lastly, provide your dog with natural dog health supplements. Canine food supplements that contain potent herbal ingredients are known for keeping the joints of dogs in great health. The supplements are also used in order to help ease the pain that your pet might be feeling.

Are you looking for the best veterinarian advice for your pet through online? Then logon to Utilizing this free online resource of advice is to identify ways of improving your pet's health. There are many different elements of care that are involved with raising a pet, this can be achieved easily by the opportunities that exist with a free ask a vet online resource.

Is A Shelter Or Rescue The Best Place To Find A Dog For You?

As dog trainers, by far over fifty percent of the dogs we work with are rescues or adoptions. That is terrific! It is commendable for people who are looking for a new puppy or dog, to try to rescue or adopt a homeless animal.

According to statistics compiled by the Human Society of the United States, 6-8 million, (yes, you read correctly,) dogs and cats are cared for in humane society shelters across the country. That's not counting the dogs in rescues! Approximately one half, 4-6 million of them, will be euthanized. Those numbers are mind-boggling and grim!

Animals are surrendered for a myriad of reasons. Countless puppies and dogs are killed, allegedly humanely, on a daily basis because of age, illness/disease, sheer volume and unfortunately, severe behavioral issues.

Before you even contemplate rescuing or adopting, you need to sit down and have a "Dutch uncle" talk with yourself and your family. You need to be completely honest about just how willing, how far, and how long, you will be willing to work with the puppy or dog you have, that may have behavioral issues.

If there is any doubt that you and your family are unable for any reason, to make a serious commitment to a possible rehabilitation project, do not adopt, do not rescue!

The fact is, when you rescue or adopt, you must always go into it with eyes wide open; expecting the worse, and hoping for the best.

Keep in mind, a good number of rescues and shelters will tell you only what you want to hear! They have to keep the "inventory" moving. Take your time, and be darn sure this is the right puppy or dog for your family. In most cases, it takes a good 4-6 weeks for a puppy or dog to show it's real personality and behaviors. Behavior problems are quite common with rescues and adoption. It is also tough for the animal. Adjusting to a new family and life can be stressful and traumatic.

Even though your heart may be in the right place, your mind must be open to hearing what you may not want to hear. Further more, your mind-set must be willing to assume the challenges you will face, to help the puppy or dog that has stolen your heart, should they require your time, patience and resources.

Before you venture out, do your homework! Take an honest assessment of the type family you have. Honestly answering just a few questions can make an enormous difference in your life and the life of the dog. Here are a few things to consider:

Is your family a high-energy bunch or are they couch potatoes? A wrong mix can be unsuccessful and extremely frustrating! It may sound foolish, but thousands of dogs are rescued or adopted for the wrong reasons. The kids saw one in a movie, and now they want one. The So and Sos down the street have one, and it's "so darn cute!" You "always wanted one." You saw one at the dog park. Blah, blah, blah...

Do you want a puppy or an older dog? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Puppies, unless they come from sloppy breeding, are as a rule a clean slate as far as behavior problems. However, that puts the burden of appropriate training and coping with their inexhaustible energy on you! Older dogs are typically housebroken, and calmer, but they sometimes carry uncertain baggage from their previous life. Can and how would you deal with that?

What do you really know about the breed of the puppy or dog you are interested in? How much have you researched it? Have you talked with owners of that breed? Do you require a high-energy or low-energy breed? This is not to say, a known high-prey drive, high-energy breed doesn't have laid back "hand me the remote" members. Nor, are all dogs in the "Are you kidding me? I'll wait here, you go chase the ball." group, inactive, stationary, and boring.

Is everyone in the family willing to accept the challenge if the dog needs help, or will the burden fall on one person...namely you! All too often, once the initial excitement of a new pet is over, the responsibility usually fall on one or two family members.

Are you willing to seek professional help as soon as possible, if need be, or do you plan to either suffer silently or surrender the animal a rescue or shelter? Trainers see this every day. For whatever reasons, people more often than not, wait until the situation becomes unbearable and harder to correct; before they seek help. Or, they are so frustrated they return the animal. It is strongly recommended, find and enroll in a positive reinforcement, punishment free Puppy Kindergarten or Obedience class as soon as possible. Learn how to effectively bond with your pet. More than half of the skills required for dog training, are used in training the owner. The dogs are the easy part!

Are you ready to listen to, and follow the instructions of the professional, or, are you going to challenge and make excuses for everything? If your answer is the latter; save your time, energy and money. You must be geared up to follow through. Finally, before it's too late, find a new home for the dog. At least he or she will have a possibility to find someone eager and willing to make a solid commitment to help him or her.

Bottom Line: This article should give you plenty to think about, before you impulsively proceed. The most important thing to keep in mind is don't believe every thing you are told about the particular animal you are interested in. Do your homework. Take your time. Find the right breed for you and your family. Consider the age of the animal. Who will ultimately be responsible for him or her? Are you willing to seek professional help before you give up? Are you prepared to listen and follow the recommendations of your trainer?

If you are willing to take the risk, you may find the perfect pet. If they are not so perfect right now, perhaps with time, patience and a willingness to commit to them, they may turn out to be perfect for you. No doubt, there is a rescue or shelter near you; with puppy or dog that is patiently waiting for you to find them, love them and give them a forever home.

Karen A. Soukiasian, GOOD DOG! - DOG TRAINING and BED-n-BISCUITS dog boarding and training - Owner/Trainer, St. Augustine, Florida - AKC CANINE GOOD CITIZEN and S.T.A.R. PUPPY Evaluator

Basic House Training Tips For Dogs Every Owner Needs To Know

Owning a dog can be one of the most rewarding relationships anyone could have. But, with that comes responsibility and the best canine relationships are formed when owners commit to training their dog.  A well trained dog is one that you can bring with you anywhere without fear of him causing a disruption or hurting another animal or human and a pet that everyone wants to have around.  Not only that, but proper obedience training insures that you will be able to call your dog back should he be heading into a dangerous situation.  Taking the time to train your dog properly is critical for your pets safety as well as the safety of those around him.

Many owners bring a home a puppy and realize a few weeks into ownership that it is too much to deal with. Sadly, it is the puppy that suffers because of decisions made without first thinking them through. Before you decide to get a new puppy, make sure you are ready to commit the time and money needed for owning a dog. You will need to make time for training as well as time for bonding and playing. Being financially able to care for any pet is important when you consider the level of medical care every pet needs to remain healthy.

Potty training is an essential part of dog ownership. This is also an area that causes many new owners to give up ownership. Every new owner needs to realize there will be times a new pup or even adult dog will make mistakes. This is especially so for an adult dog that has never lived inside a house. Patience is certainly an attribute new owners will need to have a lot of when house training.  Potty training can be challenging because, unlike obedience training, you are trying to teach the dog NOT to do something  - it takes time and patience.

Puppies can be easily crate trained for learning to go outside for rest room duty. However, making sure you do not leave a pup in crate for too long at a time is important as well. Crating should only be a part of behavior exercises, not as a place to put a pup when owners get tired of dealing with him. Nap time and night time are great times for crating when you are potty training.  Since most dogs will not soil their crate, you should keep your dog in the crate until it is time for him to do his business then bring him right outside.  When he does his business outside, then praise and treat him so he knows this is the desired behavior.  Remember that a puppy has a very small bladder and can't be kept in the crate for more than a few hours at first.

Getting your dog used to being around strangers is important to avoid fear biting. This is an important part of behavioral exercises that should start as early as possible. The dog that is well socialized is easier to take places with you. Many dog parks are becoming available and taking your pet there means you taking the time to get him used to other people and other animals as well.

When training your dog, whether it be obedience training or housebreaking, using positive reinforcement is that best way. Yelling at him or hitting him can cause fear issues that will completely disrupt a dogs attitude towards not only you, but other people and animals also. Training should only include firm but gentle commands. Never hit your dog or slap him with rolled up newspaper during training.

Chewing and biting are a part of every dogs personality, especially puppies because it is a natural behavior for dogs. In most cases, puppies chew due to teething pain. However, the adult dog with chewing issues can be due to boredom or anxiety. The best way to solve chewing problems is by providing safe, long lasting toys. This is especially so for the dog staying at home alone while owners are gone.

Simple obedience commands are essential for the well behaved canine. Make sure your dog knows you are the leader while also applying loving gentleness. This is the greatest way to get the behavior you want while also forming a close bond. Never allow the dog to be in control or your training efforts will be for nothing.  Make sure that you are always the Alpha dog and your dog will instinctively want to obey you.

To train your dog to perform a trick or do a certain behavior, try to get the dog to do the behavior first, then reward and praise him.  For example, if you are training your dog to sit, then try to get him to sit by taking a treat and holding it above his head, then move it slowly back and saying the command "Sit" - this should cause him to sit as his focus is following the treat.  Once he sits then praise him and give him the treat.  Repeat this as often as you can and eventually he will associate the command "Sit" with the act of sitting.

Every dog has the potential for being well behaved when the right basic training tips are followed. Taking your time and having patience can help to grow a strong bond between you and your pet. Always keep in mind your dog loves you unconditionally and making sure you never violate that love goes a long way in the bond you form with your pet.

How to Put an End to Dog Aggression

When training a dog its important to do it right the first time because once your dog has learned something the wrong way it can be hard to change. Bad habits are hard to break so it's always best to get it right from the start.

Some dogs are aggressive in their later years because their owners ignored their aggressive behaviour while puppies. Aggression in puppies is often brushed off as playfulness while it really should be corrected. Remember the saying 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks.' While you can change an older dogs behaviour it's a lot easier to do it while they're young.

Aggression is developed in dogs for several different reasons. One common and unfortunate cause is that their masters encourage this type of behaviour. A lot of people get dogs to look after their residence and they praise them when they bark and growl at people approaching their homes.

I always tell owners that any aggression shown by their pooch towards people should be dealt with early and strongly discouraged. Many people worry that if they always punish their dogs for growling or barking, they will become timid and that if one day someone breaks into their house their dog will be useless and likely try to lick the intruder. However if you train your dog to give one or 2 short sharp barks every time someone approaches the house, trust me, you will not have a problem with break ins.

If your dog displays signs of aggression respond quickly and firmly. This display could be a soft growl, barking or a stiffening of the body. Usually a strong 'stop it' command will do the trick. You shouldn't try to comfort your dog when they show aggressive behavior. All this does is teach them that its OK to be aggressive towards humans.

Confidence can also be a factor in their behavior. Dogs that are scared tend to show aggression a lot more than happy confident ones. You can help your dog become more confident by offering praise every time they do something right and not punishing or shouting at them unnecessarily.

Having a well behaved friendly dog is a great pleasure and is also a great source of pride for many people. Having a misbehaving dog is stressful to the owner and you shouldn't have to worry that your dog may bite or attack your friends and guests. Always remember to correct your dog if they do something wrong. Teach your dog good habits when they're young and you'll have a well behaved pooch who's a pleasure to look after.

This article was written by James Ambler. James is a dog lover and has over a decade of experience owning and training many different breeds of dog.

For more information check out the article on How to Stop Dog Aggression at Dealing with Dogs. Dealing with Dogs is a great free resource for dog owners and is full of useful advice and tips on how to deal with problem dog behavior.

Keeping Dog Kennels Healthy - 3 Pollutants To Take Out Of The Air

18 Okt 2011

The first whiff of air when a kennel's doors open is often the make or break factor. In order to make it a great first impression every time, the air needs to be continually filtered. Here are 3 really important airborne pollutants that the cleaner should be able to eliminate.

Urine Odor---This is one of the most offensive odors there is, and is a critical factor when owners are looking for a kennel for their pooch. Most owners are already sad to be separated and maybe a little guilty about even considering not including the dog in their plans. The last thing they are going to do is leave there family member in a place that reeks of urine.

In a kennel you know that it's pretty hard if not impossible to stop inside elimination from happening. Anxiety, fear, sadness, and illness in a canine can all lead to "accidents" from a dog that is otherwise house broken. Since you can control it, you can minimize it with continuously filtration with a carbon based filter enhance with an additive that can effectively remove the eye-stinging component---ammonia.

Just eliminating this one pollutant will immediately improve the image of the kennel, the quality of staff you are able to acquire and keep, and the number of clients who will use your services and become repeat customers.

Dander---This problem is literally harder to put a finger on because it is invisible. Dander is dead flakes of microscopic skin that all dogs and warm-blood animals shed. This is nature's way of replacing old skin with newer skin that is more able to protect their bodies against disease and infection.

Allowing large amounts to accumulate can trigger symptoms that include sneezing, congestion, constricted throat, watering eyes and more. It is the protein in the dander that is such a powerful allergen.

And even though you may not be able to see it, anyone who has sensitivity to it will know it's there by the way their body reacts. If the air makes them uncomfortable, they will almost certainly not leave their pet in your care.

A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter can remove particles as small as.3 microns in size. Dander, even though microscopic is bigger than a micron so it is easily removed by this type of filter.

By definition this type of filtration removes 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are.3 microns or greater. This would drastically reduce the number of allergens in the air making it a healthier place to breathe.

Bacteria and Viruses---Most of these are less than.3 microns in size, but because they travel by attaching to bigger particles such as dust, pollens, mold and mildew spores, hair and dander, they too are effectively eliminated by HEPA filtration.

Reducing their numbers will increase the health of dogs and humans alike. And clients who return to a dog who is happy and healthy in a place that smells and looks healthy will almost surely return again and again.

An excellent kennel air purifier is offered by at


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